Did you know zinc oxide is mineral based and rather than being absorbed into your skin like traditional sunscreen, this sun blocking agent sits on top of your skin and blocks those harmful UV rays… and better yet it’s less harmful to the corals and is NOT linked to coral bleaching!
1 C Coconut Oil
2 T Zinc Oxide
2 T Shea Butter
1 tsp Carrot seed oil
1 tsp Vitamin E oil
1/2 C Beeswax
Essential Oils ( 4 drops Chamomile, 4 drops Geranium, 4 drops Frankincense, 4 drops Helichrysum, 3 drops Lavender, 3 drops Peppermint, 3 drops Tea Tree )
Combine all ingredients except essential oils and zinc oxide in a glass jar.
Use a double-boiler to warm ingredients by filling a small pot with water on stove over low to medium/low heat.
Place jar in pot and stir contents until ingredients are melted.
Add in zinc oxide, stir until mixed well, remove from heat and cool for about 1/2 hour. Then add essential oils.
Store in a cool place