after graduating from health and nutrition school in November 2017, I knew I wanted to create a business to come along side and encourage people on their wellness journey; whether they are beginning or continuing the trek, Desiring every person who wants help to have a place and people to be with; never feeling alone. I also wanted an opportunity to create a platform to share what I am learning and doing and testing and practicing, passing on resources, etc. etc. — which I am able to do on my ig @health_hi. my passion for: cooking, baking, teaching, coaching, learning, meeting new people, collaborating with community and challenging my culinary skills, all come into play as I meet with every client I am honored to help.
I currently take on two clients at a time for 3 months.
twice a month, 1-1 1/2 hour counseling/coaching sessions.
I will help you achieve your health goals + learn how to maintain a health lifestyle.
I will come alongside you + assist you in your health journey & address your specific health + dietary needs.
Your full commitment to this process, with any homework & assignments, is all that is necessary.
Dr. Moates: “I have been blessed to work alongside Jori for the last few years of her healing journey. She is a gifted and intuitive Certified health coach , who has a vast knowledge of health and wellness. Whether it is diet, lifestyle modifications, or cleanses, she possesses all the tools needed to thrive. I believe she knows her stuff really well. It is evident in what a prime example she has become for health. I have witnessed drastic improvements in her vitality, significant reductions in her pain, and radical shifts in her strength. Her immune system has become very well regulated and her mind sharp. I feel confident in her ability to guide others in their wellness journey.”
Colie Lennox: “Jori is a pleasure to work with! I cannot say enough great things about my experience with her. She met with my daughter and me together and would teach us both about nutrition and give us small homework assignments that were easy to apply. During my time of working with Jori my eczema cleared up completely and I lost a few pounds. I felt better physically, but also emotionally and spiritually as Jori would also take the time to listen and encourage me in areas not related to nutrition like relationships, parenting, and homeschooling. I would definitely recommend Jori’s coaching to anyone wanting to make some healthy changes in their life!”
Jessie Reardon: “Jori, thank you so much for the time and energy you have invested into me. I have learned so much from you and truly feel like I am the healthiest i’ve ever been because of you and your mentorship. I admire you for so many reasons. thank you for sharing Jesus’ love by having a humble and generous spirit and being so genuinely joyful. you’re such a light! so excited to keep in touch and follow along on the new adventure with your new job!”
Rick Anderson, DC, CFMP: “Every once in a while in practice we come across a patient that has that spark in their eye that says WHY am I not well and what does it take to correct the cause of the problem and not just treat the symptoms. A few years back Jori was one of those patients. It has been inspiring to work with her and see her commitment to making the changes and staying the course towards optimal health. She has taken great strides in educating herself to now be in a position to assist and coach others on their journey as well. A wise man once said, “When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”’
Sarah Foley: “My entire outlook on nutrition was transformed through working with Jori. I was amazed from the beginning when her initial intake questions involved my mental and emotional relationship with food. I was never taught the importance of clean eating, and instead was raised in a fat free, low calorie, and no carbs home where we would binge diet for big events and then gain back all weight in between. jori began simply by dropping gems little by little in order to just get me thinking about what certain foods and ingredients were doing to my body as a whole. I then made it a priority to pay close attention to how I felt after eating or eliminating those foods. my biggest hurdle was overcoming my fear of the kitchen. as a perfectionist, I hated the thought of going to the effort of cooking and making a mess of the kitchen and it not turning out right. Jori worked right beside me on simple meals that I could easily perfect and introduce to my picky family. she even gave me tips on making cleanup much easier, which I have gone on to teach others. my favorite thing about working with jori is her genuine love for the process of preparing and enjoying the food, as well as her total lack of judgement towards my fears and lack of knowledge in the kitchen. I found myself becoming excited to try new things, and before I knew it, I was filming myself preparing food in order to share recipes with my fitness clients. above all else, I see food differently. I no longer focus on everything I need to eliminate for weight loss - I now focus on how food and ingredients make me feel. I used to have intense sugar cravings for that short term satisfaction, but that has been replaced with long term health and vitality. thank you Jori for guiding me through a total nutrition transformation!”